#!/bin/bash # # Run this script as root inside a service directory. # if [ ! -d "volumes" ]; then echo 'There is no data to archive ! Make sure you are in a service directory with persistent data (ie. must be a "volumes" directory there).' exit fi # Dump mysql if [ -d "volumes/mysql" ]; then CONTAINER_NAME=$(echo ${PWD##*/} | sed -e 's/\.//g')_mariadb DB_USER=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$MYSQL_USER"') DB_PASSWORD=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$MYSQL_PASSWORD"') DB_NAME=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$MYSQL_DATABASE"') DUMP_NAME=$CONTAINER_NAME_$(date +%F_%T).sql if [ -f "volumes/*.sql" ]; then rm volumes/*.sql fi nerdctl exec -e MYSQL_PWD=$DB_PASSWORD $CONTAINER_NAME mariadb-dump -u $DB_USER $DB_NAME > volumes/$DUMP_NAME fi # Dump postgres if [ -d "volumes/postgres" ]; then CONTAINER_NAME=$(echo ${PWD##*/} | sed -e 's/\.//g')_postgres DB_USER=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$POSTGRES_USER"') DB_PASSWORD=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD"') DB_NAME=$(nerdctl exec $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c 'echo "$POSTGRES_DATABASE"') DUMP_NAME=$CONTAINER_NAME_$(date +%F_%T).sql if [ -f "volumes/*.sql" ]; then rm volumes/*.sql fi nerdctl exec -e $CONTAINER_NAME pg_dump -U $DB_USER $DB_NAME > volumes/$DUMP_NAME fi # Compress all volumes excerpt mysql and postgres into the staorage box (pubkey needed) BACKUP=${PWD##*/}.tar.zst ssh u442569@u442569.your-storagebox.de tar --zstd --exclude='volumes/mysql' --exclude='volumes/postgres' -cf - volumes > $BACKUP